La strada, le route, the road
Richard Demarco: la route, the road, la strada
12 October to 12 January 2020
Tue – Sun: 09:00 – 19.00
Castello Pandone
Via Tre Cappelle
86079 Venafro
Video by Dr Marco Federici, marcojfederici@gmail.com
Museo Nazionale del Molise is proud to present Richard Demarco: la route, the road, la strada, an exhibition about Scotland’s Richard Demarco, lauded since the 1950s for his pioneering programmes of pan-European contemporary art.
With 2019 marking Demarco’s ninetieth year, this exhibition introduces him as mediator of international relations to the communities of his heritage, from where his ancestors started their journey over two hundred years ago.
For the first time, la route, the road, la strada presents Demarco’s personal notebooks, photographs and drawings with contextualising works by Elaine Shemilt which chart his experiences in the 1940s growing up as an Italian boy in Churchill’s United Kingdom alongside documentation of over sixty years’ work establishing new international arenas for pioneering cultural exchanges.
By exploring Demarco’s sense of continuum from his ancestry through his own artworks conceptualised as ‘The Road to Meikle Seggie’, and his pioneering programmes connecting avant-garde artists between Eastern and Western Europe, la route, the road, la strada aims to open dialogues with the international diaspora of central Italy, to foster understanding of place and identity in today’s trans-cultural society.
Inaugurazione in presenza di Richard Demarco: venerdì 11 ottobre ore 17.00, Museo nazionale di Castello Pandone, Venafro
An opening took place in the presence of Richard Demarco: Friday 11 October at 5pm, Museo Nazionale di Castello Pandone, Venafro
Dialogues with Richard Demarco, Deirdre MacKenna e Stephen Partridge, researcher of ‘Richard Demarco: The Italian Connection’ were held on Saturday 12 October at 3pm, Museo Nazionale di Castello Pandone, Venafro
Italian national Day of Contemporary Art (AMACI): Saturday 12 October at 8am until 7pm, Museo Nazionale di Castello Pandone, Venafro
The exhibition ran from 12 October 2019 – 12 January 2020
Commissioned by Cultural Documents and produced in partnership with the Demarco European Art Foundation and the Polo Museale del Molise.
Supported by Impresa di Costruzioni Ing. Antonio Buono SRL, IFS Worldwide and Scatolificio Stella.